Friday, October 12, 2007

Huck Finn Reader Response

Jenell Brisky
Huck Finn Reader Response 1: (1-6)

Parental Relationship

“Well, ill learn how to meddle. And looky here-you drop that school you hear?... Say-lemme hear you read.”(Ch5, Pg.15, Par4). He wanted his son to be dumb just like the rest of their family. He didn’t want Huck Finn to be smart and know how to read and write.

I don’t think that’s a good thing to say to your kid. His dad is saying that he wants Huck Finn to be stupid. You should never want your kid to be stupid or dumb. You shouldn’t want your kid to make the same mistakes that you made. If you made those mistakes you should try and prevent your kid from making the same mistakes that you did and try your hardest to do the best for them. You should make a good example towards your kid and show them what right not wrong. This relates to my life because I don’t get along with my mom or dad. My mom seems like she tries to hold every thing back from me because she don’t want me to grow up. Me and my dad don’t get along because it seems like he thinks I’m doing everything wrong and he don’t trust me good enough at the same time he trusts my LITTLE sister more than her does me when I gave him no reason to not trust me.

Mark Twain thought that Huck Finns dad was wrong for what he said. He doesn’t think that it’s a good influence that he want his kid to be stupid and dumb like he was. He doesn’t know how his father could let him make the same mistakes that he did. Mark Twain feels this way because his dad was a very big influence on him and always wanted the best for Twain.

1 comment:

Rory said...

nice job j-brisk. you're showing why you deserve an A in here.